The Roadmap
to Homeownership
HOME and Partners Publish the Roadmap for Increasing Black Homeownership to Address the 40% Gap in Black Homeownership in Cincinnati and Hamilton County
HOME and a group of more than 30 partners published the Roadmap for Increasing Black Homeownership in October 2022. Black homeownership in the Cincinnati Metro Area is around 34%, while white homeownership is approximately 74% — a nearly 40% gap. This gap is one of the worst compared to other cities across the country, and is also getting worse over time.
The Roadmap for Increasing Black Homeownership proposed six key policy recommendations that would increase Black homeownership and preserve existing Black homeowners:
Expand lending to Black and low-income homeowners that is fair and non-predatory
Establish a loan and grant fund to support existing low- and moderate- income homeowners
Modify zoning to be more inclusive
Provide property tax relief to low-income homeowners in neighborhoods where property values are rising at a rate above the Countywide average
Modify tax abatement incentives to support Black homeowners and homeowners in neighborhoods experiencing weak housing market performance that include a significant number of Black households
Create an independent, transparent monitoring process
The recommendations and specific initiatives highlighted in the Roadmap for Increasing Black Homeownership draw from existing reports and plans including LISC’s Housing Our Future report, the Fair Housing Assessment for Cincinnati and Hamilton County, and the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber’s Embracing Growth Principles for Regional Housing.
Annual Updates:
In October 2023, HOME released The Road So Far, a status update on the Roadmap. The Road So Far is a summary of the current landscape of efforts and highlights immediate action items to increase and preserve Black homeownership in the Cincinnati region. The report finds that over the last year, progress has been made on both policy and funding. Elected and appointed officials at the City of Cincinnati and Hamilton County are clearly more focused on Black homeownership than in years past.
To see the full version of The Road So Far, please click here.
For a full version of our Roadmap please click here.
Other Resources
Predators Are on the Prowl
Watch for Signs of Predatory Loans
Foreclosure Prevention
Save Your Home
Beware of Scammers
Scams Targeting Cincinnati
Endorsing Organizations
The Roadmap is supported by the following organizations:

Organizations interested in endorsing the Roadmap to Increasing Black Homeownership are encouraged to fill out this form.
If you have further questions, please contact Elisabeth Risch.