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HOME offre une variété de services pour aider à éliminer la discrimination en matière de logement illégal, à prévenir le sans-abrisme et à éduquer les locataires et les propriétaires sur leurs droits et responsabilités en matière de logement équitable. Les services de HOME sont gratuits. Apprenez-en davantage sur notre équipe d'application de la loidéfenseurs des locatairescours d'éducation et de sensibilisation, et services en espagnol.

Notre personnel compétent sera à l’écoute de votre situation et vous fournira des informations et des conseils objectifs. Appelez-nous au 513-721-4663 pour discuter de votre situation.

**HOME n'emploie pas d'avocats, donc si vous avez reçu une notification légale, envisagez une action en justice ou avez besoin de conseils juridiques, nous vous conseillons fortement de contacter immédiatement un avocat.


HOME coparraine les services de médiation en matière de logement, une source de médiation gratuite et professionnelle dans le GrandRégion de Cincinnati pour propriétaires, locataires ou voisins. Pour demander une telle médiation, appelez le 513-751-2567 ou visitez Les coparrains des services de médiation en matière de logement sont HOME, le Association des appartements du Grand Cincinnati et du nord du Kentucky, et le Association des investisseurs immobiliers du Grand Cincinnati.

Policy & Research​​


HOME has a robust Policy & Research program that serves as the foundation for the organization's local, state, and national advocacy. HOME works to educate both voters and elected officials on issues relating to Fair Housing, homeownership, Fair Lending, tenant rights, and other housing related topics.​


HOME also publishes detailed reports on a variety of topics. These reports include: annual updates to the Roadmap to Increasing Black Home Ownership, Levied: Reports on Property Tax Inequities, and a forthcoming report analyzing regional mortgage lending trends.​

Mediation Services

HOME co-sponsors Housing Mediation Services, a source of free, professional mediation in the Greater Cincinnati area for landlords, tenants, or neighbors. To request such mediation, call 513-751-2567 or visit Co-sponsors for Housing Mediation Services are HOME, the Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Apartment Association, and the Real Estate Investors Association of Greater Cincinnati.


Members of our Client Services staff assist people who believe they may be victims of illegal housing discrimination. HOME helps our clients gather evidence to support a claim of illegal discrimination and discuss enforcement options. These options could include problem-solving or mediation with HOME personnel, filing of an administrative complaint with the Department of Housing and Urban Development, or legal action through a referral to a cooperating attorney.

Housing discrimination can occur in any transaction whether renting or buying a home, negotiating with a lender, or shopping for insurance. Discrimination is not just about race or color. It also is illegal to discriminate in housing based on religion, national origin, gender, disability, or because children are members of the household. Learn more about protected classes under the Fair Housing Act here.

Education & Outreach

HOME offers a wide variety of courses for both housing providers and consumers. Our staff will customize a class based on your clients’ or staffs’ needs and interests. Trainings are available to consumers or agencies at no cost. Trainings for housing providers are offered at a low cost and can qualify for Continuing Education Unit credits. Our courses cover topics including fair housing rights, landlord-tenant law, illegal steering, Section 8 landlords, implicit bias, and more.

Submit the request form on our contact page if you would like to schedule a speaker for your staff meeting, workshop, program, or event. Please include any topics or requirements necessary in your request. You will receive an email or a phone call to finalize the scheduling of the presentation. 

Tenant Advocacy
Education & Outreach
Policy & Research
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